As you may be aware BVTC courts and clubhouses are leased from the City on an annual basis. Each year we apply and then we receive a permit.
We are now waiting for the City of Toronto permit and more importantly an update on the numerous protocols we will need to follow when in operation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The City is currently revising these guidelines. Once we receive the new measures outlined in the guidance document, we will need to find the best possible means to implement them. These include member tracking, sanitizing, social distance on courts, court booking and more. To quote a recent email:
“City of Toronto tennis clubs and members will only be allowed to play on the courts once all signage has been installed by Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PFR), declarations/permits have been signed and returned, and all the measures outlined in the guidance document have been implemented. Should all of these conditions be met clubs are free to begin play.” ~ City of Toronto PFR
While we do have club insurance it does not provide any liability during a pandemic. We are working with the NYTA to develop a workable waiver that all members will need to sign before membership registration is complete.
Our intent is to provide the safest and secure community tennis facility to our members. Please bear with us as we await further details from the City’s Parks and Recreation.
BVTC Board of Directors