Updates as of October 28, 2020 – AGM Info

In by GermanGonzalez

BVTC Annual General Meeting 

Tue., November 24 / 7:00 pm (ZOOM Virtual Meeting)


1)   Call to Order
2)   Introduction of Directors and Auditor
3)   Opening Remarks
4)   Proof of Notice (Steven Hellmann, German Gonzalez)
5)   Certification of Quorum (proxies)
6)   Reading & Adoption of 2019 Annual General Meeting, Nov.20th, 2018 (S. Hellmann)
7)   Financial Report: Jackson Doong/G & G Partnership, LLP (Jeff Goldberg)
8)   Appointment of Auditors for 2021 Season (Jackson Doong)
9)   Report of Officers/Directors:

a)   President:                                    Larry Fritz
b)   Past President                            Robert Hall
c)   Vice President                             Steven Hellmann
d)   Secretary                                     George Jacob
e)   Treasurer                                     Jackson Doong
f)    Membership                                Yenny Musalem
g)   Clubhouse                                   vacant
h)   Games (House League)              Yenny Musalem
i)    Social                                           Pat Dibe
j)    Courts                                          Jerome Pamintuan
k)   Webmaster:                                 German Gonzalez
l)    Junior Development                   vacant
m)  Director at Large                        Andre Velloso

10) Report of Club Professional - Peter Nielsen
11) Nominations for the 2021 Executive followed by Election of Directors for 2021 (Robert Hall)
12) Members’ Submissions
13) Other business
14) Adjournment

Proposed BVTC Executive Slate for 2021

PRESIDENT:                          Steven Hellmann

VICE-PRESIDENT:                Larry Fritz

PAST PRESIDENT:                Robert Hall

TREASURER:                        Jackson Doong

SECRETARY:                         Pat Dibe

MEMBERSHIP:                     Yenny Musalem

WEBMASTER:                      German Gonzalez

JUNIOR:                                VACANT

CLUBHOUSE:                       VACANT

COURTS:                              Jerome Pamintuan

SOCIAL:                                VACANT

GAMES:                                VACANT                                     

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:       Andre Velloso

*further nominations may come from the floor at the meeting

- ZOOM Virtual MEETING info will be provided to BVTC members in advance before the meeting.

Stay safe and of good health,
BVTC Board of Directors