Bayview Village Tennis By-Laws
Revised October 24, 2007
Effective October 24, 2007
Proposed October 24, 2007
Article I. Suspension of membership
- Failure to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Bayview Village Tennis Club could result in suspension or forfeiture of membership. The decision of the Executive by means of a majority vote (of a quorum) will be deemed to be final. The penalized member will receive notice in writing of the decision.
- Any member found intentionally damaging the facilities or the equipment of the Club will be required to reimburse the Club for the full cost of repair or replacement and his/her membership will be forfeited. He/she will not be considered eligible for future membership in the club.
- Gross misconduct to include (but not limited to): physical and verbal abuse to another member, attendant, or teaching professional will be subject to a suspension or termination of membership and will be dealt with by the Executive in the same manner as Bylaw 1 section 1.
- If in the opinion of the Executive, the misdemeanour is severe enough to warrant consideration of suspension or termination of membership, the member concerned will be invited to present his/her case to the Executive. Should the Executive by majority vote decide to suspend or terminate membership, the member concerned will have a right of appeal to the Executive after a 30-day suspension. A majority vote (of a quorum of the Executive) following the appeal will be final.
Article II. Transfer of Membership
Membership in the Bayview Village Tennis Club is not transferable.
Article III. Club Professional
Upon signing a contract the Club Professional becomes a member for the year in which the contract is in effect. All assistant teaching professionals (inclusive of the tennis camp) must be paid members of the Bayview Village Tennis Club.
Article IV. Executive Job Descriptions
The following job descriptions for members of the Executive are intended to be guidelines for the basic responsibilities of each officer or director. At the discretion of each director, a committee may be formed to assist him/her in his/her duties. The members of this committee must be approved by the Executive. It is the prerogative of the President to request additional responsibilities of an officer or director.
A. The Past-President shall:
- Attend all Executive and general meetings.
- Act in an advisory capacity.
- Assist in the annual audit, if directed by the Executive.
B. The President shall:
- Exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Club.
- Call meetings as he/she considers necessary.
- Preside at all meetings.
- Close all meetings.
- Sign the minutes of the meeting after reading and approval.
- Attend committee meetings whenever possible and/or receive a report of the business discussed.
- Vote only in the event of a tie.
- Encourage and co-ordinate the duties of the Executive.
- Submit the necessary documentation to the City by the due date each year in order to obtain a Permit to Operate for the Club.
- Act as a liaison between BVTC and the NYTA and BVTC and the OTA.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
C. The Vice-President shall:
- Assist the President in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of that office.
- Perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President.
- The Vice-President shall chair the Tennis Professional Selection Committee that will be composed of two Executive members in addition to the President and the Vice-President and a Past-President. The Chairperson shall have a vote only in the case of a tie.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President to review all invoices with cheques issued before payment is made.
D. The Secretary shall:
- Record the minutes of all meetings.
- Prepare and read minutes, sign name and after approval, present them to the President for signature.
- Handle the Club correspondence.
- Inform the bank of the names of those having proper signing authority each year immediately after the elections at the annual meeting. The signers must be any two of the President, Treasurer, and Vice-President.
- Type final drafts of financial statements and other material prepared by members of the Executive, unless prepared by the Club’s auditor.
E. The Treasurer shall:
- Maintain the Club’s financial affairs according to the Accounting Guidelines for NYTA Community Tennis Clubs.
- Maintain bank accounts at a chartered bank approved by the Executive.
- Maintain proper financial books covering the Club’s fiscal activities and be prepared to exhibit such books to any member of the Executive upon application.
- Act as budget co-ordinator for the Club.
- Receive all Club income, record income, and deposit funds in the Club’s bank account.
- Disburse funds as authorized by the Executive and ensure that all such payments are supported by receipt, bill or invoice.
- Establish adequate procedures for the handling of cash by Club employees. A receipt must be issued whenever cash is received.
- Calculate and pay wages of Club employees upon verification of records received by the Clubhouse Director.
- Maintain accurate records for tax purposes and remit required employee and employer contributions to Revenue Canada as described in current Government booklets.
- Prepare an interim financial statement for Executive meetings.
- Prepare a financial statement for the Annual General Meeting.
- Balance the books, reconciling them with the bank statements, and submit them for review by the President prior to submission for audit.
- Organize in a suitable file case all documents pertaining to the fiscal year: invoices and receipts in chronological order, cheques and stubs, membership receipts, bank statements and deposit records, income tax document and pay records.
F. The Courts Director shall:
- Arrange for the maintenance of court facilities and equipment (including the playing surface).
- Arrange for the installation of nets, windscreens and other court equipment in the spring and for their removal and storage at the end of the tennis season.
- Arrange for all necessary repairs to court equipment such as nets, posts, windscreens and roll-dries, and recommend purchase of new equipment.
- Arrange for all necessary painting of equipment and facilities (eg. net posts, practice wall, shed).
- Arrange for estimates for repairs to court surfaces, when necessary, subject to the approval of the Executive.
- Arrange to have the lights turned on and off at the appropriate times during the tennis season.
- Arrange for regular pickup of garbage by North York.
- Keep the chalkboard supplied with an eraser and chalk.
- Arrange for the planting of the flower pots in the spring and the storage of the pots for winter.
- Maintain the outside bulletin board and keep all exterior signs in good condition.
- Maintain a good working relationship between the Club and the City staff in those areas relating to the maintenance of court facilities and equipment.
- Should resurfacing of courts be necessary, the Courts Director shall act as chair of the Courts Resurfacing Committee and carry out protocol as specified in Courts Resurfacing Article VI under the By-Law.
G. The Clubhouse Director shall:
- Hire, train and supervise the Clubhouse attendants.
- Arrange for the opening and closing of the Clubhouse each day during the tennis season.
- Arrange for the cleaning and upkeep of the Clubhouse.
- Arrange for the repairs of fixtures, furniture and equipment in the Clubhouse, when necessary.
- Arrange to have interior and exterior light bulbs replaced as necessary.
- Maintain a stock of cleaning and washroom supplies.
- Suggest the purchase of Clubhouse equipment, furniture, and supplies to the Executive.
- Facilitate proper operation of the vending machines and acts as a liaison with the City.
- Maintain a good working relationship between the Club and the City staff in those areas relating to the maintenance of Clubhouse facilities and equipment.
- Distribute sets of Clubhouse keys to members of the Executive and team captains upon their signature, and collect keys from holders who have resigned from their position.
- Arrange for connecting and disconnecting of the Club telephone. Ensure that the Club maintains the same number (416-222-6400).
H. The Junior Development Director shall:
- Plan and supervise a complete program for junior members, keeping in mind a balance among social play, instruction and competition.
- Organize all junior inter-club teams as follows;
- A. Set up the tryouts and team practices.
- B. Maintain team records.
- C. Arrange for balls and refreshments for home matches, if applicable.
- Organize the Junior Opening and Closing Day activities.
- Organize the junior drop-in clinics.
- Recommend to the Executive juniors who should be considered for the granting of senior privileges, and monitor their conduct at the Club to ensure that the requirements for these privileges are being fulfilled.
- Select a team, with the Professional’s assistance, to represent the Club at the North York Junior Year-End Tournament, and inform those chosen of the time and location of their matches.
- Assume responsibility for the organization of any junior tournament sanctioned by an outside body (eg. OTA, NYTA).
- Write the submission for the newsletter.
I. The Membership Director shall:
- Design the application form and arrange for it to be printed.
- Order member identification for senior and junior members.
- Send out the application form and first newsletter to the previous year’s membership roster and to prospective new members.
- Process the membership application as follows:
- A. Send a personal letter and member identification to life members.
- B. Send a form letter and member identification to members.
- C. Maintain a chronological listing of the application forms.
- D. Pass the lesson requests to the Club Professional. (or Vice-President, if Club Professional is not yet available), and all other requests to the appropriate directors.
- Maintain a file containing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all members.
- Prepare master copies for the address labels and have labels copied as required.
- Prepare a membership directory and distribute copies to the membership.
- Answer telephone enquires from potential and current members.
J. The Games Director shall:
- Assume responsibility, with the assistance of the Club Professional, for the organization of the House Leagues & Inter-Club Leagues. Inter-Club Leagues is defined by any leagues involving other Clubs.
- A. Select House League Directors, if required.
- B. Ensure that fees, if any, are collected from participants and passed on to the Treasurer.
- C. Purchase House League trophies or awards.
- It is the responsibility of the Games Director, to collect the names of proposed captains for each team (after consultation with team members). The names of the proposed team captains will then be submitted to the Executive for approval by majority vote. Team captains will be responsible for the running of the try-outs. Team Captains will be directly responsible to the Games Director. Should the team captain be unable to fulfill his/her duties, the Executive shall appoint an alternative. After consultation with team members, present the names of team captains for all inter-club teams for approval by the Executive.
- Arrange for the distribution and collection of balls for the House League, round robins and inter-club teams.
- Arrange for the posting of notices for the House League, round robins and inter-club teams..
- Note: The Club Professional has the responsibility for the organization of four Sunday social round robins and the Friday evening social round robins.
K. The Tournament Director shall:
- Produce a schedule of dates for all tournaments and other events held at the Club to be approved by the Executive.
- With the tournament committee, produce and circulate tournament rules and regulations.
- Assume responsibility for the organization of all Club Championship tournaments.
- A. Post notices for all tournament events well in advance.
- B. Post sign-up and draw sheets for all tournaments.
- C. Arrange for the collection of entry fees (if levied).
- D. Arrange for the distribution and collection of balls that are supplied for tournament events.
- E. Arrange for umpires and lines people as needed.
- Purchase trophies for the winners of Club Championship events and prizes for social tournament winners, and present the trophies at the Annual Dinner/Dance.
- Have the names of Club Championship winners engraved on the display case trophies.
L. The Publicity/Webmaster Director shall:
- Notify members of all impending meetings (giving 15 days notice of any special, general or annual meeting).
- Send out all Club notices and newsletter.
- Liaise with the Games and Social Directors to keep informed of upcoming events.
- Arrange for signs and notices to be posted to advise the membership of upcoming social events.
- Post a monthly calendar of events in the Clubhouse.
M. The Social Director shall:
- Organize the Opening Party.
- Make all food and refreshment arrangements for the Club’s social events.
- Plan and organize the Annual Dinner/Dance:
- A. As early as possible, select a location and date for the approval by the Executive.
- B. Choose a menu and in consultation with the Treasurer present a budget and suggested ticket price to be approved by the Executive.
- C. Arrange for the printing, and selling of tickets for the Club’s Annual Dinner/Dance.
- D. Make all other necessary arrangements, such as hiring a disc jockey and purchasing prizes.
- Oversee provision of refreshments for other events as outlined by the Executive from time to time.
- Assume responsibility for the Clubhouse kitchen.
- A. Order sufficient amounts of staple supplies (eg. coffee creamer, sugar, lemonade crystals, cups, napkins and plastic utensils) and store them in the storage room cabinet.
- B. Stock the kitchen with the above supplies as required.
- C. Maintain a clean supply of dish towels.
- D. Check the kitchen regularly to ensure that it is clean and tidy.
N. The Junior Representative shall:
- Select several junior members, subject to the approval of the Executive, to form a committee to represent the junior membership.
- Act as a liaison between the juniors and the Executive and present the wishes of junior members.
- Assist Junior Development Director and Tournament Director as required.
Article V. Courts Resurfacing and Court Rebuilding
BVTC must request in writing the approval of the City of Toronto’s Parks and Recreation Department, for any resurfacing to courts, with a copy to the NYTA, prior to obtaining quotes from contractors. A reply in writing from the City of Toronto’s Parks and Recreation Department must be received prior to proceeding.
Courts must be examined every 3 to 5 years by a technical consultant and/or NYTA and/or City, to determine if resurfacing is needed. The decision to resurface must be approved by the Executive. Once the decision to resurface is made, the following must be done:
a) A minimum of three (3) estimates must be obtained from three different contractors.
b) The contractor must have extensive experience in court resurfacing and/or repairs, and include in the estimate a letter of credit as well as a list of references for completed jobs from the past two years.
c) Estimates must be compared for similarity in content based on the same specifications. Opinion on clarification of content to be sought from the NYTA/City, or technical consultant, should the Executive be unsure as to specific similarity in content.
d) Estimates must be examined to ensure that everything needed is included.
e) Contents of the estimate must be itemized and each item individually priced.
f) The contractor must specify an agreed starting and completion date.
g) The contractor selected must be approved by the Executive by majority vote.
h) The contract must be signed by two of the following Executive members: President, Treasurer and/or Courts Director.